Our helper Rahim was away attending his daughter Nursyafika wedding to
Loman ,although later he brought the happy couple to introduce them and for
a photo shoot at the marina
Fortunately Emy was there to help and clean the bottoms of Miss VG and Jerry
( seemed more effective on lady VG ) Alice had been launched freshly
antifouled during the week and was launched on the Saturday
This week with a number of members away in UK , New Zealand amongst
others, it was a Flag Officers benefit Rear Commodore Jega with his son as
crew in Alice ,Vice Commodore Rama with Gerhard as crew and Commodore
Jeremy in Jerry with new members Phoebe and Drew doubling our USA
membership as crew (that’s the difference all three Flag Officers are boat
owners and active sailors )
In a light breeze around 8 knots but a favourable tide an even start saw Alice
on the north shore shoot away with Lady VG and Jerryj , after a tacking duel in
the river Alice well ahead went inshore Jerry went offshore but best in the
middle was Lady VG , the order round Selat was Alice with Lady VG not far
behind , Tom had really lost out and was far behind
On the spinnaker reach into the river Alice as usual took to the south shore and
Lady VG in spite of spinnaker problems caught up , Jerry also caught up but in
the end with a fearsome foul tide Alice hung on with Lady VG and Jerry
Tough sail and well done Jega