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After a period of 2 weeks when the Commodore was the only competitor, this

week we were delighted to welcome back our Vice Commodore Rama who

arrived late ( amazing after all he has going on he made it at all ) with Emy s

son as crew with Lady VG , new member Wolfram Groh with his partner

Audrey as crew , sailing jeremys Tom and Jeremy with regular crew Eppy as

crew in Cabaret 7

On a weekend when the tide was not cooperative although we had ( and

needed ) a nice breeze of about 10 knots ,we started on a beat out making

reasonable progress , as usual no real good and bad shore , having started at

12.15 Cab 7 in front reached Selat at 1500 rounding unusually with few

problems , Lady VG and Tom had a great race , this is the first time Wolfram

has sailed a Squib alone having crewed and helmed in part Cab 6 the week

before , he owns a Bavaria 42 in Greece so has a wealth of sailing experience

but to get round a course like that was remarkable

An unpleasant run back into the river by now against the tide with a nasty

chop causing the sails to flap followed by a spinnaker run up the river against

the tide meant the first boat Cab 6 finished about 4,30pm and Lady VG and

Tom in that order about 5 pm , our longest ever race , as jeremy s crew pointed

out we sailed around Langkawi in less time than that

It was tough and a great complement to the PSC sailors that we were all able

to complete such a race , hopefully more of the missing Swallows will return

soon , our great competitor and supporter Rainer has returned to Germany for

Christmas, Kittiwich being on the hard stand

Jeremy Camps


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