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PSC Squib river series Race Report Sunday 30th January 2022


Updated: Feb 7, 2022

In a good turn out of boats we were delighted to welcome Ula Peters lovely

wife joining father and daughter on for the first time on Quicksilver , the usual

racers Gavin and , Yasid in Ratatosch Jeremy joined by new member James

sailing Tom as Jerry is out for refurbishment Jega and son Kumanan sailing

Alice and Simon sailing Peach for the first time with regular Harro as crew ,

badly needing a clean …..turned out to do battle as indeed against the

elements it was

Sadly the tide did not cooperate turning against us half an hour early and with

only a light wind it was a struggle from the start , at low water the river is

narrow there is not much room to tack, Tom broke away but it was not long

before Alice caught up , the shipyard had inconveniently moored a ship where

we wanted to go , in the end only Tom Alice and the Squirrel made it past ,

once out the conditions were better with a good breeze , it seems such a short

distance to our turning mark Selat but it is always up wind and the tide

direction and strength unpredictable , to go out to sea or inshore is the

question ! Tom rounded first with Alice some way back and the Squirrel as ever

bravely perservering , on Tom it was James first attempt at spinnaker hoist

and although not the fastest it was trouble free , the order held to the end ,

Quicksilver and Peach retired, sadly missing the later good breeze and had left

before the 3 finishers returned

As Jeremy pointed out to Jega there is an old British racing saying , if you win

the practice race you will not win the championship !!!

Role on the Championship !!!!

Jeremy camps


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