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Sadly our UK built IMPALA 28 00D THE BLUE ANGEL was the only PSC

representative in the RLIR ,our usual supporter VG offshore had changed her

livery and was entered under RSYC , Rama and his crew not withstanding this

were as nice and friendly as ever , they were in our class which made it more

fun , other missing boats were MJ s RECAA and John Kara s Insanity , both

badly damaged by the rogue indon trader which came through RSYC s


Blue Angel (BA) skipper and PSC Commodore Jeremy Camps was so pleased

to have finished his cancer treatment as planned just over a week before

BA has a great crew and they really rose to the occasion, Chris Hennessey our

no 2 and crew organiser who has sailed with her for we think 5 years and is a

great crew handled the spi and one genoa side , Rainer from PSC handled the

port side where as on all the Commodores boats spi boom uphaul and

downhaul and jib halliard are situated, also the tough port jib sheet , to make

up 6 Chris recruited a sailing friend Dragan Canadian but based in Korea to

handle the starboard side most notably the spi halliard and stationed at the

back to keep the rudder in the water downwind in windy conditions he helped

with the spi guy too so important in the windy conditions . Our trusty

foredeck crew Martin and Eppy did great , only one screw up all week To sail

with 6 was right , we had lots of wind and provided there is a reasonable

length beat where we can use the impala s great strength of maintaining

speed whilst pointing higher and higher , before the first race we worked out

the best starting procedure , not in the frank rank with the argy bargy although

in one race we nosed between VG Offshore to windward sailing higher and

Piccolo to leeward , close to the committee boat and able tack into clean air ,

the sails made by Phil of Zoom Sails in e Sri Lanka having only race twice in the

previous years windless regatta were as new , Chris managed the perfect set

and slot all the boss had to do was keep her as close as possible

Our windward performance was amazing and the key, inevitably we lost out

down wind but holding it all together we emerged each time top on handicap

Race officer Simon as usual laid a variety of courses, one in the sound with

windward leeward but with an extra leg to add variety then out in the rough

water towards Penang normally our weak point but okay this time ,for the

Round the Island Race Chris helmed to give the skipper a days rest ashore , he

maintained our winning sequence!

In the last 2 races on the Saturday we won on the water without the handicap

And the opposition…….. really 2 boats Piccolo an updated and rerigged Farr 36

( long ago winner of the Sydney Hobart ) sailed by Mike Downard boss of Sailin

Asia in Phuket , well sailed and handicapped too and a nice looking Russian

crewed cruiser , VG Offshore was very fast and quite frightening with their

massive spinnaker , in a competitive class they were narrowly fourth

The skippers thanks to Chris , Rainer , Martin Dragan and Eppy for their

support , fabulous sailing and well deserved success Our thanks too to our

little Angel for carrying us , she is safely back on the trailer at Port Klang for a

well earned rest !

Roll on January 2025

Jeremy Camps

Skipper SY The Blue Angel


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